Cohort 4’s Eoin Cremen has recently presented at the EGPROC at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Berlin, Germany. He writes;
“The annual meeting of the European Group of Process-Tracing Studies (EGPROC) is a beacon for researchers employing process-tracing methods like eye tracking, mouse tracking, computational models of cognitive processes, and neuroimaging to study the cognitive foundations of human judgment and decision-making. Established in 1982, this annual conference has a rich history and a unique, informal atmosphere. It fosters an environment where researchers at all stages of their careers can gather to share and discuss completed and ongoing projects related to various domains of process-tracing research.
In 2024, the meeting took place from July 31st to August 2nd at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Berlin, Germany.
I originally had a poster accepted but was then offered to present. This was a 15-minute presentation of the first project of my PhD, with 5 minutes of questions. I also was offered to attend the pre-conference workshop “Analysing verbal reports using LLMs”. This took place the day before.
The pre-conference workshop was particularly relevant to the research interests of ART-AI and my own work. The workshop had both theoretical and practical sessions with a focus on the transformer architecture followed by exercises in prompt engineering and how LLM’s can be effective for analysing verbal reports.
The conference was more closely related to the cognitive psychology domain of my projects. It was an excellent opportunity to gain experience in presenting my researching as well as gaining feedback from a diverse group of early and late-stage researchers.”