ART-AI Seminar
We are pleased to have Warren Connors who is Section Head, Underwater Warfare, for the Defence Research and Development Canada Atlantic Research Centre, join us for this in-person ART-AI seminar. This will take place at 12.15pm on Thursday 13th October in the Chancellors’ Building 4.16, at the University of Bath. See map of the campus for location of the Chancellors’ Building.
Enabling New Capabilities in Defence and Public Safety in Canada through AI and Autonomous Systems
As in many fields, AI and autonomous systems are rapidly changing the way we do business. Within defence, the rapid adoption of these technologies has enabled new concepts and techniques which are changing the way we see traditional defence roles and concepts of operations. Furthermore, the unique environmental challenges of Canada, specifically the Canadian Arctic, provide an ideal use case for the application of AI and Autonomous Systems. Through distributed, adaptive systems, various roles such as persistent surveillance are being enhanced or enabled, providing new and emergent capabilities to perceive and respond to threats to public safety and national defence. Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC) has had active research in AI and Autonomous Systems for over 3 decades in support of the Department of National Defence and Public Safety in Canada. This discussion will introduce areas of research in Autonomous Systems and AI, and introduce some research areas at DRDC Atlantic Research Centre which leverage these key technologies.