ART-AI Seminar
We are pleased to have Rem Collier, an Associate Professor in the UCD School of Computer Science, Dublin, Ireland, join us for this ART-AI seminar entitled ‘Integrating Agent Technologies into Microservices architecture using the MAMS Architectural Style’. This seminar will take place at the University of Bath, 6E 2.1, on Tuesday 16th January 2024, 12.15pm-13.15pm (GMT). If you are unable to make this event in-person, there is an option to dial in via Microsoft Teams. For more information, please e-mail [email protected].
Integrating Agent Technologies into Microservices architecture using the MAMS Architectural Style
Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) research has led to a number of innovative approaches to coordinating the activities of autonomous entities. Integrating such approaches into modern software systems is often not easy because they require the adoption of an agent-oriented view of the system which is not always realistic in practice. This talk introduces the Multi-Agent MicroServices (MAMS) architectural style, an approach to integrating MAS technologies into Microservices architecture that removes this need for the adoption of an agent-oriented view of the system. The approach is based on Representational State Transfer (REST) and adopts the view of agents as hypermedia entities that maintain a set of web resources. This allows non-agent-based Microservices to be integrated with agent-based Microservices via those resources, which are exposed as REST APIs. Adoption of Linked Data and Semantic Web technologies can further enhance this model, enabling the integration of disparate data services into a distributed knowledge graph that can be easily consumed by agents and other services. Further, the integration of hypermedia controls into representations of resources offer the potential for the creation of next generation self-describing APIs.
Rem Collier is an Associate Professor in the UCD School of Computer Science, Dublin, Ireland, where he has been faculty since 2004. His primary research interests are focused on Multi-Agent Systems and in particular Agent-Oriented Software Engineering / Programming. From 1996 to 2010, he developed the Agent Factory Framework, a cohesive framework for the rapid prototyping of Multi-Agent Systems (MAS). During that time, he was involved in a range of projects exploring its application to Social Robotics, Virtual Reality and Mobile Computing. He was a post-doctoral researcher on the team that won the prestigious 2003 CIA Systems Innovation Award for work on the Agents Channelling ContExt Sensitive Services (ACCESS) architecture. Since 2017, his research interests have centred around the areas of MAS, Microservices, REST and Linked Data where he has proposed the Multi-Agent MicroServices (MAMS) architectural style as a novel approach to integrating agent technologies into Microservice-based software architectures. He has been Primary Supervisor of 16 PhD and 12 MSc theses and published over 130 academic papers. He is currently Lead-PI of CONSUS, a €17.5M nationally funded Strategic Partnership Project focussed on Digital Precision Agriculture & Crop Science and is a Principal Investigator on the €9M CAMEO project, a Disruptive Technologies Innovation Project charged with developing Ireland’s future Earth Observation platform.