Design Methodologies Conference

IEEE Power Electronics Society Virtual Event with ART-AI students and academics joining the panel as AI experts

The IEEE Power Electronics Society is launching the first Design Methodologies Conference bringing together Design Automation, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Cyber-Physical Security methodologies for power electronics applications. The PELS has witnessed a significant and growing interest in advanced Design Methodologies for Power Electronics in recent years, and it has hosted several independent initiatives in the areas of Design AutomationCybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning and, consequently, the time has come to make a crucial, decisive step forward and organize a single specialized conference dedicated to these emerging concepts. See the DMC 2021 flyer for a little more details.

The Design Methodologies for Power Electronics Conference – DMC will be held on July 14th and 15th 2021 online.

Deb Morgan and Emma Carmel will be sitting on a panel of experts in the field of power electronics, on behalf of ART-AI, as the AI experts. There will be half an hour of presentations from the panel about the perceived issues of using AI in critical applications (the grid, autonomous vehicles etc.), followed by an hour of open discussion.

Event Info

Start Date 14.07.2021
End Date 15.07.2021
Start Time 9:00am
End Time 5:00pm

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